Our Calling
The calling of Northampton Methodist Church is to respond to the gospel of God’s love in Christ and to live out its discipleship in worship and mission
We do this this through:

The Church exists to increase awareness of God's presence and to celebrate God's love

Learning and Caring
The Church exists to help people to grow and learn as Christians, through mutual support and care

The Church exists to be a good neighbour to people in need and to challenge injustice

The Church exists to make more followers of Jesus Christ
We will:
- Ensure that worship is available in various forms at a variety of times and places on Sundays and across the week, and to make sure that all services of Worship are advertised appropriately.
- Ensure appropriate training and opportunity to use everyone’s gifts & skills in the leading of worship.
- Encourage new and more creative ways of worship, including a variety of traditions, styles and cultures.
- Integrate and develop the use of digital technology in worship including resources such as ‘Worship at Home’, which allows more people to participate.
We will:
- Encourage local fellowship groups, and establish new groups, to share and advance their biblical and theological understanding and confidence for its application today.
- Develop and encourage a fuller understanding and practice of pastoral ministry at all levels of our Church.
- Provide appropriate safeguarding training.
- Improve cross-community fellowship, communication and pooling of resources where appropriate and encourage participation in joint activities.
- Continue to develop digital communications, such as ‘One Voice’ podcast.
- Provide encouragement and practical ways in which people can learn new technology.
We will:
- Encourage each community to be actively engaged in Christ’s mission to all age groups with a special focus on children and young adults.
- Share the love of Christ with the people around us, working wherever possible with other denominations.
- Speak out against injustice, intolerance, prejudice, abuse and all forms of social harm.
- Encourage individuals and worshipping communities to work with groups and organisations which seek to better the lives of the disadvantaged.
- Promote the provision of chaplaincy, lay and ordained, to specific groups in the community.
We will:
- Be intentional about calling people to commitment to Christ and in encouraging membership growth.
- Encourage and equip everyone to play their part in faith sharing.
- Encourage and provide opportunities to engage with the community who use our resources.
- Take opportunities to be involved in areas of new development.
- Encourage groups to be imaginative about how they participate in the task of evangelism.
Our Calling
The calling of the Methodist Church is to respond to the gospel of God’s love in Christ and to live out its discipleship in worship and mission
We do this this through:

The Church exists to increase awareness of God's presence and to celebrate God's love
We will:
- Ensure that worship is available in various forms at a variety of times and places on Sundays and across the week, and to make sure that all services of Worship are advertised appropriately.
- Ensure appropriate training and opportunity to use everyone’s gifts & skills in the leading of worship.
- Encourage new and more creative ways of worship, including a variety of traditions, styles and cultures.
- Integrate and develop the use of digital technology in worship including resources such as ‘Worship at Home’, which allows more people to participate.

Learning and Caring
The Church exists to help people to grow and learn as Christians, through mutual support and care
We will:
- Encourage local fellowship groups, and establish new groups, to share and advance their biblical and theological understanding and confidence for its application today.
- Develop and encourage a fuller understanding and practice of pastoral ministry at all levels of our Church.
- Provide appropriate safeguarding training.
- Improve cross-community fellowship, communication and pooling of resources where appropriate and encourage participation in joint activities.
- Continue to develop digital communications, such as ‘One Voice’ podcast.
- Provide encouragement and practical ways in which people can learn new technology.

The Church exists to be a good neighbour to people in need and to challenge injustice
We will:
- Encourage each community to be actively engaged in Christ’s mission to all age groups with a special focus on children and young adults.
- Share the love of Christ with the people around us, working wherever possible with other denominations.
- Speak out against injustice, intolerance, prejudice, abuse and all forms of social harm.
- Encourage individuals and worshipping communities to work with groups and organisations which seek to better the lives of the disadvantaged.
- Promote the provision of chaplaincy, lay and ordained, to specific groups in the community.

The Church exists to make more followers of Jesus Christ
We will:
- Be intentional about calling people to commitment to Christ and in encouraging membership growth.
- Encourage and equip everyone to play their part in faith sharing.
- Encourage and provide opportunities to engage with the community who use our resources.
- Take opportunities to be involved in areas of new development.
- Encourage groups to be imaginative about how they participate in the task of evangelism.