Kingsley Park Worshipping Community
Milton Street
Kingsley Park Terrace

Pastoral Responsibility

Rev David Speirs - Web
Revd David Speirs

KPMC has been serving the neighbourhood for over 139 years. We have been evolving to meet the needs and changes in the local population, and our worship is sometimes traditional, but at other times modern, vibrant and youthful.  We celebrate the joy of our Saviour’s birth with a candlelight service in December, and bear witness to His passion, death and resurrection in the Spring. 

Our congregation is spiritually strong and very supportive toward each other. Everyone receives a warm welcome at Kingsley Park, whether they are a new worshipper or an occasional visitor. Why not join us for worship one Sunday or drop into one of our midweek activity.

There are family friendly services on Sundays at 10.45 am with Junior Church for the children and young people. Refreshments are served after the service each week. 

Midweek activities include:

  • Girls Brigade – Wednesday evening for girls aged 5 – 18.
    Email for more information. 
  • Boys Brigade – Friday evening, for boys aged 5 -18.
    Email for more information. 
  • Coffee Mornings on the first Saturday of each month from 10:00 – 12:00 noon.
    (Please check our Facebook page for further details on Coffee Mornings).

Our next church services

DateTimeLocationPreacherType of Worship
16th Mar10:45Kingsley ParkRevd Tony PerryHoly Communion
23rd Mar10:45Kingsley ParkRevd Ian Forsyth
30th Mar10:45Kingsley ParkAngela McNally
6th Apr10:45Kingsley ParkKatherine Suttie
13th Apr10:45Kingsley ParkRevd David Speirs
17th Apr19:30Kingsley ParkRevd David SpeirsChaburah Meal
20th Apr10:45Kingsley ParkRevd Alan SharpHoly Communion
27th Apr10:45Kingsley ParkRevd Tony Perry
4th May10:45Kingsley ParkLinda Leathersich
11th May10:45Kingsley ParkRevd David SpeirsHoly Communion
18th May10:45Kingsley ParkDeacon Richard BeckettAll Age Worship / Parade
25th May10:45Kingsley ParkLinda Leathersich

Our upcoming events

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