Roade Worshipping Community
Hartwell Road

Pastoral Responsibility

Rev Ian Forsyth - Web
Revd Ian Forsyth
Roade Methodist Church is a modernised, welcoming, friendly and active village church.  Morning Worship is held each Sunday at 10.30am with Holy Communion once a month.  Junior Church is available children.
Ecumenical Bible Study takes place on the second Monday each month at 12.30 p.m. for lunch and 1.00 – 2.00 pm for study with a prompt start and finish.  Studies are usually led by a Minister, Outreach and links into the Community are an important part of God’s work within the village.
The church premises are used most days by various organisations including Archway, Roade Fitness and the Community Choir.
A coffee morning is held on the fourth Saturday each month from 10.00 am -12.00 noon. (Bacon Butties, Bring and Buy, Fair Trade).).
There is a fortnightly Craft Group between 10 a.m. and 12 noon on Friday.  All are welcome to come along and bring their own craft work, learn from others or just come for a chat and refreshments. 
Individual events are held throughout the year with special ones during the Holy periods of Easter, Harvest, Advent and Christmas.  These are advertised at the relevant time.
We may be small in number and generally of an older age group but our vision of God’s work is one of a strong spiritual nature going forward into the community with joy.
Why not join us at our services or activities?  Everyone is made most welcome.

Our next church services

DateTimeLocationPreacherType of Worship
9th Feb10:30RoadeHilary Walden
16th Feb10:30RoadeRevd Ian ForsythHoly Communion
23rd Feb10:30RoadeRevd David Speirs

Our upcoming events

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