St Andrew's Worshipping Community
Harlestone Road

Pastoral Responsibility

Revd Dr Samantha Gillard - Web
Revd Dr Samantha Gillard

As a Methodist Church in the Duston area of Northampton, we offer to God our regular worship and other activities. We provide a place of Christian Worship, fellowship and teaching for all age groups.

We offer a warm welcome to those who use our facilities for the furtherance of God’s work. We recognize our responsibility to provide mutual support and encouragement to develop God’s gifts within each of us.

Our offer of love, friendship and support to the people of Duston and our neighbours is through the many activities that take place on our premises. For the young people this includes Boys’ Brigade weekly activities which means approximately 100 young people come through our doors week by week. 

For others this includes a weekly sewing/craft group and a monthly Fellowship meeting which are open to all. Bible Study groups are usually held during Advent and Easter. 

We have a good relationship with the other churches in the Duston area, and are part of the Duston Churches Together Group, which meet regularly to share information and plan joint events/services.

St. Andrews is a modern building which does need some refurbishment and has a membership at present of 72. We have flexible styles of worship with the use of a Digital Projector. We have a strong leadership team which includes a number of Local Preachers and Worship Leaders. We have recently welcomed new families to our church. We wait to see where the Lord is leading us.

Show Bookings Calendar

The calendar below is being tested

Our next church services

DateTimeLocationPreacherType of Worship
16th Mar10:30St Andrew'sKeith Brooks
23rd Mar10:30St Andrew'sIan Harrison
23rd Mar18:00St Andrew'sRevd David SpeirsHoly Communion
30th Mar10:30St Andrew'sPaul BarfordMothering Sunday
6th Apr10:30St Andrew'sDeacon Richard Beckett
13th Apr10:30St Andrew'sLocally Resourced WorshipAll Age Worship
17th Apr19:00St Andrew'sRevd Dr Samantha Gillard
18th Apr11:00St Andrew'sRevd Dr Samantha Gillard
20th Apr10:30St Andrew'sRevd Ian SuttieHoly Communion
27th Apr10:30St Andrew'sRevd David Speirs
27th Apr18:00St Andrew'sRevd Dr Samantha GillardHoly Communion
4th May10:30St Andrew'sJenny BrooksAll Age Worship
11th May10:30St Andrew'sRevd Dr Samantha GillardHoly Communion
18th May10:30St Andrew'sRevd Kim Shorley
25th May10:30St Andrew'sRevd Daniel Pratt Morris- Chapman
25th May18:00St Andrew'sRevd David SpeirsHoly Communion

Our upcoming events

Bible Study - Lent Reflections
14th March
Bible Study - Lent Reflections
20th March
Coffee Morning
26th March
A coffee morning in a church hall with older people
Bible Study - Lent Reflections
27th March
St Andrew's Worship Consultation
1st April
Older people in a Methodist church hall smiling
Bible Study - Lent Reflections
3rd April
Bible Study - Lent Reflections
10th April

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